Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests

Live Coaching - Your Business Beyond the Microphone | Featuring Leneé Pezzano | #252

Episode 252

What would you say are the essentials of making m💰ney with each podcast episode?

Whether you host only, guest only, or speak on both sides of the microphone, without a monetization strategy, your episodes will go nowhere fast.

Clarity is royalty.  

↳Are you clear on YOUR podcast purpose? 

↳Your Monetization Goals?

↳Your internal processes to make those goals a reality?

If you've ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of a great coaching session, this live Q+A session is for you.

If you've been wondering about the mechanics of moving a podcast listener into your community, this episode is also for you.

If you want to learn how you can monetize your own podcasting efforts, you guessed it, this episode is for you.

It's noteworthy. It's also your invitation to join money-making podcasters inside the upcoming Podcast Monetization Bootcamp that kicks of Monday, February 24th an Noon Eastern.

 Ready? Let's Go!

📲Tell Me More! What do you want to know about podcasting for your business?

📲Book a call with me when you're serious about monetizing podcasting. 2025 is the year of PODCASTING WINS with explosive growth + booming sales! www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach


REGISTER for the Podcast Monetization Bootcamp to get the REPLAYS now through March 9!



Snag Your Standard Ops Procedures for Hosts and Guesting!🎧🏃🏽‍♀️⤵

Looking for organic growth through evergreen content? 💎 🏃🏽‍♀️⤵
Book a call with Jen coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach

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