Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests
I teach experienced Christian entrepreneurs how to leverage podcasting so they can grow their impact, influence + income.
If you’re a successful business owner and you haven’t launched a show or pursued podcast guesting, it’s time to put your voice to work for you!
Top 1.5% Podcast Worldwide
Let’s face it, there are tons of objections to podcasting. Maybe you're thinking:
-it’s too technical
-there isn’t enough time to create more content
-the market is saturated with podcasts
What if none of those things are true?
Welcome to Time To Simplify, the show that helps you elevate your brand, expand your reach, and maximize your influence via podcast hosting + guesting.
↳ Do you want to expand audience reach and drive customer loyalty?
↳ Would you like to attract more leads and convert listeners into clients?
↳ Are you ready to build a community that connects with your message?
Whether you're an industry expert or a business owner looking to establish thought leadership, this podcast is packed with practical insights and strategies for successful launching and guesting.
Each episode, we dive into the top reasons why leading entrepreneurs choose podcasting as their ultimate business growth tool and how you can do it, too.
From increasing brand authority and building valuable partnerships to generating high-quality leads and attracting a worldwide audience, you'll learn how podcasting actually saves you time, marketing money, and energy.
Hi! I’m Jen. I’m passionate about helping you leverage podcasting. You can launch your show and/or be a memorable guest to grow your influence and income. I'll show you how to simplify podcasting. It doesn’t need to take you a ton of time or be ridiculously expensive to create sticky content.
You already have the business know-how; it’s time to convert your knowledge into trust-building episodes that delight your ideal clients.
I’ll teach you how you can leverage podcasting so you can:
- Establish yourself as a thought leader in your field
- Educate the market
- Boost Organic Traffic to Other Platforms
- Foster Collaborations and Connections as a Host and a Guest
- And so much more!
You can experience sustainable growth, increased impact, and ongoing success using the assets you already have to achieve podcasting success.
It’s Time To Simplify Podcasting!
Looking for organic growth through evergreen content?
Connect with Jen! coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach
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Time To Simplify Podcasting | 90-Day Sprints for Entrepreneurial Podcast Hosts + Guests
The Biggest Podcasting Turnoff - How to Fix It Fast (And Keep Your Listeners Engaged To The End) | #240
Know what many podcasters get wrong that their listeners would love for them to get right?...
➡️Think about your own listening habits. What hooks you? What repels you?
This episode is a must listen for how you structure an episode in a way that serves your listener and keeps them tuned in for the whole show.
Podcasting is easy - when you know the best way to put an episode together that
↳ builds trust
↳ engages your audience
↳ fosters curiosity and action
When you get this one thing right, your downloads will go up - and so will your profits.
🎧 Earbuds in! Let's go!
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📲Book a call with me when you're serious about monetizing podcasting. 2025 is the year of PODCASTING WINS with explosive growth + booming sales! www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach
REGISTER for the Podcast Monetization Bootcamp to get the REPLAYS now through March 9!
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Time To Simplify
Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker
I teach experienced Christian entrepreneurs how to leverage podcasting so they can grow their impact, influence + income.
If you’re a successful business owner and you haven’t launched a show, it’s time to talk about how to put your voice to work for you!
The Biggest Podcasting Turnoff - and How to Fix It Fast (And Keep Your Listeners Engaged To The End) | 240
[00:00:00] Jen: . Know what many podcasters get wrong that their listeners would love for them to get right? I'll get to that in one hot second.
[00:00:11] Jen: Think about your own listening habits. You Got a favorite podcast you listen to? What do you like about it? What's one professional critique you have for the show's host? Let's face it, when we evaluate our own shows, we do one of two things. Either we're looking dazzling and admiring our work with rose colored glasses.
[00:00:34] Jen: Or, we are highly critical of our show, our interview skills, our speech patterns, our timing, our, um, you know, like I was saying, um, what are those things called? Oh yeah, you know. Verbal fillers. Sidebar. Bonus points for you if you know my Achilles heel when it comes to verbal fillers. Hint. It's none of those.
[00:00:57] Jen: I'll hide the answer somewhere in today's episode. Why not put it at the end, Jen? Well, the last time I did that I had this wild thought to hide the next one in the episode. There's a technical term for this. Do you know what the term is? I'm confident that you do. Yet my curiosity had me wondering the origin of the term.
[00:01:18] Jen: So I did what any smart entrepreneur brimming with curiosity would do. I looked it up. Are you familiar with where the now common technical term for hiding things in media came from? Let me share what our good friend Wiki has to say about it. The use of the term Easter Egg to describe secret features in video games comes from the 1980 video game Adventure. And that was for the Atari 2600 game console. Now, I don't know what game console my dad and I played on together when we made burgers. I believe the game was called Burger Time, and I think it was an Atari;
[00:01:56] Jen: but I could be wrong.
[00:01:58] Jen: Any woo hoo, this 1980 video game, Adventure, was programmed by an employee named Warren Robinett. And at the time, Atari did not include any of the programmers’ names, because if they put the names in the game credits, they were afraid competitors would poach their developers.
[00:02:17] Jen: And they also wanted to prevent the developers from having a bargaining chip with the owners. So, Warren Robinett disagreed with his boss over this lack of acknowledgement. He wanted his name in the credits. Don't we all? So he secretly programmed this message "Created by Warren Robinett" to appear only if a player moves their avatar over a specific pixel during a certain part of the game and enters a previously forbidden part of the map where the message can be found.
[00:02:49] Jen: This all sounds so mysterious, so interesting. Aren't you glad I looked it up? I'm really glad I looked it up. Okay. Remember the first question I asked at the opening of the show. Here it is again. Know what many podcasters get wrong that their listeners would love for them to get right?
[00:03:07] Jen: The answer is not the Easter egg hiding. It's not that. Let's face it, getting feedback for our show is much harder than finding those eggs in a springtime Easter egg hunt. Hearing from our audience can be hard, hard, hard. Sure, the reviews help, once you get past the friends and family members who review your show out of sympathy, I mean, out of love.
[00:03:31] Jen: But, reviews are not enough to cultivate community. They can grow listenership, for sure. Yet, you as the host? You are responsible for cultivating community. I propose there's something far more valuable you can do on your show that your audience will absolutely love.
[00:03:53] Jen: after listening to episode number 240 of Time to Simplify, you'll walk away with knowing what it is and you'll see how easy it is for you to implement this on your show. By the way, if you're thinking you need some great hooks, You're right, but that is not the answer to the question at hand.
[00:04:14] Jen: Since we're talking hooks, if you haven't listened to episode number 239, respond to this mini call to action bait right here and listen to that episode after this one. Your earbuds will thank you as you soak in the powerful examples from my clients who model incredible engagement, empathy, and encouragement with some incredible hooks of their own.
[00:04:38] Jen: Here on Time to Simplify, we simplify podcasting. It's not complicated when you know key tools of the trade. And you practice them. Each episode is designed for you to acquire intel and put it into action. Imperfect action. If you don't, you'll join the crowd who forgets over 90% of what they hear within one day of hearing it.
[00:05:03] Jen: That's simply not how you and I roll. We're connecting here because we don't waste time. We've got a business to run for sure. More importantly, we've got life to live. And that means more than producing a podcast and working with our clients. It means downtime with family and friends, long walks in the park, and perhaps an Easter egg hunt of our own.
[00:05:26] Jen: Hey there, I'm Jen Rogers, military veteran turned certified public accountant, turned founder and CEO of a tactical business designed for you, the High Achieving, Highly Successful Christian Entrepreneur. Hi friend, welcome, welcome! If this is your first time listening to the show, I couldn't be more excited to welcome you to the sane side of podcasting.
[00:05:47] Jen: If you're up for it, connect with me on the socials easily by clicking the link in the show notes. Let's face it, there are tons of objections to podcasting.
[00:06:00] Maybe you're thinking it's too technical. There isn't enough time to create more content. The market is saturated with podcasts. What if none of those things are true?
[00:06:11] Jen: Welcome to Time to Simplify, the show that helps you elevate your brand, expand your reach, and maximize your influence via podcast hosting and guesting. My mission is to simplify podcasting, to equip you with the information you need to create your own binge worthy episodes, whether you host your show or you guest on others.
[00:06:33] Jen: It all begins with the end in mind. How do you want to show up for your audience? What do you want the host to experience when you guest on their podcast? When someone listens to the episode, what do you want them to feel, to think, or to do? How does podcasting line up with your business goals? These are all things we cover and more on Time to Simplify.
[00:06:56] Jen: If you're ready to launch your legacy through podcasting, head on over to www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach to learn how you can create your own personalized 90 day podcasting sprint with me, whether you want to launch your show or become known as a mic dropping memorable guest, it's time to get started.
[00:07:19] Jen: Speaking of getting started, let's answer that question, shall we? All right, let's do it.
[00:07:24] Jen: We all have our own pet peeves when it comes to podcasting. Well, let's be real. We've got pet peeves about many things.
[00:07:33] Jen: Hey, in this episode, I'm sharing the answer from a community of listeners perspective. What do podcasters get wrong? How can you delight your listeners instead of turning them off? Once they pull you out of their earbuds, it is game over, friend. It will take the shaking of heaven and earth to bring them back.
[00:07:55] Jen: And then some. As a host, you are making a promise with each episode to build trust and develop a loyal community of listeners. You've got to do what you promised to do. This is me delivering on my promise to you. Those long winded, advertisement laden openings, they're killing your show. I know, I know.
[00:08:20] Jen: It's easier to do prerecorded intros and outros. Well, at least that's what the gurus teach. I believe each listener is worthy of my best content. And my best delivery. It is just as easy to open and close each episode without alienating an audience. I model this for you in each episode. Here's how. First, there's the hook.
[00:08:46] Jen: Which in today's episode was the question. Know what podcasters get wrong that their listeners would love for them to get right. Then there's some relatable content that is edutaining. That part where I shared [00:09:00] about the origin of the Easter egg term, that's relatable, it's educational, and it's entertaining.
[00:09:05] Jen: I find it just plain fun, and fun is definitely a value I hold dear in my business. What value do you hold dear that you want someone to latch on to when you appear on a show? Be sure to share that in a meaningful way that's aligned with the content and the goals of the show. Whether it's your own show or you're guesting on someone else's.
[00:09:29] Jen: Next up, sharing how this answer will get you closer to the transformation. Then, I share a bit about the show and who I am. It's important you know you are in the right place and hear how the podcast serves you.
[00:09:45] Jen: After a very brief call to action, found in this episode around the 6 minute 55 second mark, you jump into the rest of the episode. Do you know what all of this does? It sets your listener up for success. They know what the show is about, and they know what they're going to learn on this episode and in the show as a whole.
[00:10:06] Jen: More importantly, this builds trust. I'm not acting like a slimy salesman telling you about how great I am or all the things I offer. Frankly, I haven't given you a reason to listen to all my stuff when I make this show all about what I do and who I am. My goal, and yours too, is to create meaningful connection, to close the trust gap, to build consensus or spark discussion around an idea, to disrupt the same old, same old.
[00:10:38] Jen: I strongly believe podcast hosts alienate their OG listeners and their first time listeners when they pull a King Hezekiah and show off all their wares. It didn't go so well for Judah. King Nebby and his army carried everything off, remember? And it won't go well for you.
[00:10:58] Jen: To recap, hooks are great and oh, wait, I just remembered I've got to throw in the Easter egg here. My verbal filler, got a guess on what I'm working on to eradicate from my hosting persona? And so, as I think about it, another one I have is, all right, how do I know? Because I edit every episode, friend. And if you're in the podcasting business, you edit your episodes because you love your listeners.
[00:11:28] Jen: Editing doesn't mean eradicating every verbal filler, but it does mean editing for clarity and removing some of those and sos and all rights. I'm curious how many and sos, now these that I'm illustrating here, they don't count, but I'm curious to know how many and sos I've got so far before editing this episode.
[00:11:49] Jen: Because I threw that in at the beginning, I'm definitely on high alert for the and sos, so I've been working to avoid it. It's definitely something I need to keep practicing.[00:12:00]
[00:12:00] Jen: How many and sos have you heard so far? Okay, back to the recap. Hooks are great. As long as they are placed strategically. Do you know the most strategic spot? Of course you do. It's in the beginning. The key takeaway of episode number 240 of Time to Simplify? Honor your audience by serving them first.
[00:12:23] Jen: When you do your job well, your audience will be much more interested in hearing about your boot camps, your workshops, your credentials, and your mission. You've got to hook them in first in a way that appeals to what they are most concerned about.
[00:12:38] Jen: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to critique the next podcast episode you listen to. Identify what you like and what turns you off. Then, implement that learning the next time you record your show or you guest on someone else's podcast. What do you think? Do you agree with My Pet Peeve?
[00:12:58] Jen: By the way, it's not just My Pet Peeve. This is a consensus of listeners that this really makes them crazy when all these advertisements and the intro to the show goes on for two minutes or three minutes or four minutes or five. They are there to learn something from you. This is why it's such a big pet peeve.
[00:13:19] Jen: Let me know what you think. Sound off by connecting with me on the socials. As of the release of this episode, you can find me on LinkedIn or connect with me on Facebook. Thank you so much for putting me in your earbuds today. I'm always delighted to share how you can leverage podcasting for your business.
[00:13:37] Jen: If you are ready to up level your podcasting skills, book a free consult with me. Head on over to www.coachjenrogers.com/VIPCoach . I'll listen to your goals and what you want to accomplish through the power of podcasting in a 90-day sprint with me.
[00:13:56] Jen: Hey, guess what? Next week, it's Thanksgiving in the US. I have a special treat for you. An interview that will rock your thinking with my new friend, Staci Gray. A woman determined to help support as many entrepreneurs as possible who are trapped in the very business designed for their freedom.
[00:14:15] Jen: You don't want to miss this one. I'll catch you in the next episode. I might just be a bit sassier and chunkier around the middle, courtesy of some yummy turkey, taters, and pumpkin pie. Okay, friend. God bless you.
[00:14:27] Jen: All right. Here I am. Oh, shoot. I just caught it. See that verbal filler. All right. All right. Here I am. Shoot. Okay. Well, I'm going to keep rolling with it because this is keeping it real. This is my final call to action that if today's episode encouraged you, gave you new insights, Or has you wanting to connect some more, I would love to hear from you, leave a review on your favorite podcasting app, or click that red phone in the show notes and send me a voicemail and let me know how this episode impacted you and what you're planning to do next to modify how you show up every time you nuzzle that microphone.
[00:15:09] Jen: All right, I'll catch you in the next episode.