Time To Simplify | How Startup Christian Entrepreneurs Manage Time + Leverage Podcast Visibility in 90-Day Sprints

Stop Building Your Business In Your Own Power - 4 Prayers For Discernment | #230

Episode 230

Know where most startup entrepreneurs miss the mark?  They neglect creating an overarching game plan so they don't know why they are doing what they are doing. A good game plan starts with seeking our Good Father.
When you do schedule time with the Father to pray about your business as you seek his direction?

📖✝️In this episode, I invite you to journal along with four Scripture prompts for you and your business.  You simply cannot start a business or a podcast in your own strength.  You only get so far before you burn out.

📲Tell Me More! What's your biggest hurdle in your biz right now?


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Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6

Time To Simplify
Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

I help startup Christian women entrepreneurs leverage resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places + play they treasure most.

Stop Building Your Business In Your Own Power - 4 Prayers For Discernment | #230

Jump In with Jen on Fridays in September 2024

What's one of your favorite places to experience? Quiet. To take time to really think about those things that matter the most to you. One of my favorite places is in the car. And that's exactly where I'm recording this episode from! Hey, there I am somewhere in between there and on my way home, after a delightful week spending time with my daughter's family, which houses all five of my grandkids, those ages 8, 7, 5, 4, and the newest edition, Peter who's adjusting to the world about 20 days outside the womb. In a house of five energy-filled kiddos experiencing quiet must be done intentionally. Hey, it's a beautiful day on the road. 

[00:00:42] There's light traffic as a sun streams warmth into the car. I find myself reflecting on that sweet, sweet baby sent. You know the one, where you breathe in their essence as they nestled against you all warm and ah, just so delightful! [00:01:00] They're fully trusting and fully relying on you to protect them. 

[00:01:05] They feel safe and secure and they know that you'll meet their needs. My daughter reminded me of the oxytocin release or that love hormone that fosters those emotional bonds and creates that feeling of connection and attachment when you cradle baby, your brain releases that surge of oxytocin, and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I savored the scent of Peter and this surge of all those warm and fuzzies. 

[00:01:32] It's a testimony to the power of our minds, that I can be here driving west on the highway while feeling as if I'm there, inhaling Peter scent, feeling all the feels. When we're running our businesses especially when we are starting a new thing, it is easy to forget 

[00:01:50] we are nestled in the bosom of our heavenly father's arms. Instead, we can often run around with our hair on fire, attempting to do all the things, [00:02:00] failing to inhale his essence, that sweet aroma of Christ. I believe there is a window of time to run around with our hair on fire, but those times are few and far between and more of an emergency nature in our businesses. Yet underneath the emergency rush, there is a purposeful intent, aligned with what and who you value most? 

[00:02:25] Sweet friend, when's the last time you intentionally created quiet time to meditate on the people, places and play you treasure most? 

[00:02:35]  Even if you've got a caboodle of kiddos vying for your attention. No matter the structure of your days and the family stewardship role you have, establishing time with the Lord in time for planning your business is crucial to your success. Starting a business or launching a podcast is intense. 

[00:02:55] There is absolutely no way around that. However, [00:03:00] when we neglect the nuzzling scent-savoring time with our Savior, we'll end up living out the tail end of Proverbs 14:1, where the foolish woman tears down her house. In today's episode, we'll take the first part of that proverb, 

[00:03:15] thank you very much, to build our house, to build our business. We fear the Lord. We experience the awe of his presence, and we choose to walk uprightly as we trust him to lead us on the path, he has already prepared in advance for us to walk.

[00:03:33]  When you choose to spend time with the Lord, the Lord will bless that time. That's where all the revelation comes in. That's where the creativity comes in and that's where you seek his direction for your next iteration. So, if you were deciding, gosh, do I go in this direction? Do I start this account on social media? 

[00:03:55] Do I start a new blog? Do I launch a podcast? Do I guest on these podcasts? [00:04:00] The real question is God, what would you have me do to fulfill the dream that you have placed on my heart? And as I often share with you on time to simplify, the real challenge is this. We do not have an overarching plan. 

[00:04:16] We decided we want to go in this direction, and we do not take the time to create a game plan. It's so important that we know the reason why we're doing what we're doing. And you can't know the reason why you're doing what you're doing if you can't bump it up against a game plan.

[00:04:35] I often share with you on time to simplify the real challenge is this. We don't have an overarching plan. We just hit the ground running. We decided we wanted to go in this direction and we do not take the time to create a sound business plan. It's so important that we know the reason why we're doing the, what that we're doing. 

[00:04:58] And when we don't know the reason, when [00:05:00] you don't know the reason why you're doing what you're doing, you simply cannot bump it up against a game plan. So you don't really know if it's a good decision, that's going to move you forward. Or hold you back. 

[00:05:11] The mission of Time to Simplify is just that: just simplify things and help you create a game plan that works for you. Hi there. I'm your host, Jen Rogers. And I am passionate about turning big goals into small purpose-filled wins. You complete an easy to achieve 90 day sprints. Being an accidental entrepreneur, stressed me to the point of burning out. Until I decided to put my planning skills to work for my business. And my podcast. As a self-dubbed planner, evangelist, I love front row seats and transformation. 

[00:05:49] Your transformation. When you do the work, you will experience results. When you deviate from spending time with the Lord and you neglect creating a [00:06:00] business plan, your business will suffer. 

[00:06:03] When your business suffers, your relationships suffer too. When you're strung out about your business, that permeates every other area of your life. And that is clearly not how a wise woman builds her house. I want to guide you on how to build strategically and help you leverage your resources so you can create the time and the financial freedom you crave through your work as an entrepreneur. And if you're catching this in September of 2024, you are in the right place at the right time. And bring all your questions to any and every Friday session remaining in September, jumping in with Jen at 12:33 PM 

[00:06:41] Eastern, ask me anything to get you over the hump so you can keep building wisely. I listen for less than half the price of an oil change in your car, which you must do to keep your car running well, you can gain insights that will definitely rev up your business. Head on over to coach [00:07:00] Jen rogers.com forward slash jump in with Jen to catch me and other savvy entrepreneurs on every Friday in September for just one payment of $47. 

[00:07:12] This my friend is a no brainer.

[00:07:15] Let's get started with today's episode number 230 of Time to 
 Simplify. In today's episode, I'll share four scriptures for you to journal on in relation to where you are headed with your business. 

[00:07:32] All right. Are you ready? Grab those journals and pencils. Let's get to it.

[00:07:36] P S if you are swiffering or changing the baby's diaper or you're driving along on the highway, press pause to think about your responses to these journal prompts. You can always come back to this episode later and listen to it when you have your quiet time.

[00:07:53] The only way you're going to get your quiet time is when you choose to protect your quiet time. 

[00:07:58] All right, let's [00:08:00] go!

[00:08:00] In the intro we were in Proverbs. Let's stay right in Proverbs with Proverbs 31 25. She is clothed with strength and dignity. And she laughs without fear of the future. As you think about this verse, being clothed with strength and dignity. And laughing without fear of the future. Journal about what this means to you. This is already a past tense statement. 

[00:08:31] You are already clothed with strength and dignity. And you laugh without fear of the future. When you're clothed with strength and dignity, that means you have what you need to carry out what God has asked you to do. That doesn't mean you're doing it on your own. That doesn't mean you're doing it in your own strength. 

[00:08:53] It means that God has called you to it. And he has equipped you with strength and dignity to do [00:09:00] it. And laughing without fear of the future means to me, it means you have joy in the journey and all too often, as I reflect on my personal journey, I didn't laugh. And I had a lot of fear of the future because there are so many unknowns in our journey. I believe it's important 

[00:09:19] we embrace the fact that we have unknowns and we focus on the things that we do know. We know that we are clothed by our creator with strength and dignity. And we know he has already prepared the work for us to do so, even though we may not be aware of it, it is waiting for us to stand in that the power and strength that the Lord gives to us to do the work that he has prepared for us to do. So take a moment and think about what does Proverbs 31:25 being clothed with strength and dignity and enjoying the journey mean to you. And when you're [00:10:00] ready, come on back for scripture. 

[00:10:01] Number two. 

[00:10:03] Okay, Scripture number two comes from Joshua one nine. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go. 

[00:10:19] a moment to journal about what God has commanded you to do. How has he commanded you to be strong and courageous? You might journal about one thing you're experiencing fear over. It might be going live on Facebook. It might be showing up weekly in emails that you're not sure how to get a sequence together. 

[00:10:41] You don't know how to connect with your people, whatever it is that you have some anxiety or fear over, go ahead and journal about that because God has commanded you to be strong and courageous. And that means that you're going to do the expression. We often hear we're going to do it scared. We're [00:11:00] going to do it, not knowing the outcome, not knowing the, how. Yet we're going to work our way through it because we know that the Lord our God is with us, wherever we go. All right. 

[00:11:11] Take a moment to journal on that one and come back for scripture. Number three. scripture. Number three,

[00:11:18] one of my favorite Proverbs, Proverbs three, five to six. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean, not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him and he will make your paths straight. As you journal about this scripture. What does it mean to you to trust in the Lord? 

[00:11:41] What are you holding on to that you need to lay at the foot of the cross. What is it that you need the mind of Christ over? When you submit all your ways to him, you're laying that at the foot of the cross and asking for his [00:12:00] spirit to guide you. To pray for the holy spirit. Even if you don't know what to pray. 

[00:12:04] We know that the Lord says that the holy spirit groans on our behalf. So whatever it is, wherever you are a struggling led at the foot of the cross, identify what it is. Lord, I'm holding onto this area. This thing, I'm not fully trusting you, it doesn't feel comfortable. It makes me uneasy. There are a lot of people who are giving me a lot of different pieces of advice, and I'm not sure where to go next. Take some time to journal about that area, where you're holding onto something that God is gently and lovingly yet firmly inviting you to let go of and ask for his guidance and his understanding. 

[00:12:46] When you're ready, come on back to me for the final scripture to take the time to journal about where you are in your business. Now you may, you may not even have a business yet. You may just be thinking of a business or you may be in a [00:13:00] business and thinking about, do I launch a podcast or you may be wondering, is it time for me to start appearing on guests on a show, whatever it is that you're wondering, wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it's okay.

[00:13:14] What we're doing here is we are taking the unknown and making it known. That's exactly what I promised at the beginning of this episode is that we are going to take time to meditate and ponder and pray over those things where we are struggling so that we can create a game plan. Creating a game plan is taking action to align those things that are jumbling around in our brains, so we can stop running around with their hair on fire, and we can focus on the business that God has equipped us and is equipping us to build.

[00:13:51] before we move on to our final scripture, ensure that you've taken the time to reflect on those ways that God is calling you to trust [00:14:00] in him, according to Proverbs three, five, and six, and lean, not on your own understanding. 

[00:14:05] And when you're ready, come on back and we'll close out today's episode together.

[00:14:10] All right. All right. Before I share the fourth scripture with you, I want to acknowledge that we often feel like we don't have the money or the time or the know-how that we need to go to the next level. I propose it's important that we acknowledge that and embrace that and say, okay, Lord. I don't have this, this, this, and this. 

[00:14:31] And I don't see how it is that I can get from where I am to where I sense you are calling me to go. That's all. Okay. And as I often share, it's just not okay to stay there. If we believe God's word is true, then we need to go to God's word and speak it back to him. To solidify in our minds. Lord your word says, and this takes us to Philippians four 19, the fourth scripture I'm inviting [00:15:00] you to journal on. And my God will supply every need of yours. 

[00:15:04] According to his riches in glory in Christ. Jesus. 

[00:15:08] I want to share that again. And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Whatever you need is whatever the journey is that God has you on, on this entrepreneurial freight train. It's all good. It's all a learning adventure. There is so much we must let go of and trust in the Lord for. 

[00:15:36] I invite you to take a moment and pause this episode to write down all those things that you sense you need to move forward in your business. Now, listen, it could be that you need a new microphone. 

[00:15:48] It could be that you need clarity on your next step, whatever it is, wherever you are struggling with. Take a moment to identify all of those things that you sense you need. [00:16:00] And then. Offer them up to the Lord. And say just simply Lord. I sense. These are the things that I need. Will you please reveal to me what it is that I need first to move forward, to take that next step and go from there. And pray for God to continue to reveal to you how to move forward and provide the things that you need, whether it's finances, whether it's time, whether it's idea, content creation, whether it's coaching, whether it's community, whatever it is, pray that God will affirm, confirm that those needs you sense you have for your business. That he will respond and he will fulfill the needs that you have to take it to the next level. 


[00:16:48] Okay, take a moment in journal about those things you need for your business and offer them up in a prayer to the Lord. 

[00:16:56] again, if you are in the middle of doing something still [00:17:00] pausing, pressing, pause, and reflecting on these things is powerful. As I mentioned at the very beginning of this episode, when I was reflecting on what it felt like to hold my 20-day old grandson, I was right there. My mind took me back there. 

[00:17:16] I smelled the sweet baby scent. And I was in the thick of wonder and thoroughly enjoyed that, even though I'm in a completely different place, my mind has the power to reflect and to take me to different places. And that's my invitation to you. As you pray for your business, as you pray and honor the Lord and recognize his power in his majesty and his glory and his saving grace, then you can take all of that and move forward and make progress. 

[00:17:50] Okay, I'll be right here. Don't make me wait too long. I'll be right here. Come on back when you're ready.

[00:17:54] Well, welcome back. Welcome back. How did it go? 4 Scriptures. a short recap. [00:18:00] Is a reminder of these things, perhaps if you're willing, you'll say them out loud with me.

[00:18:05] I am clothed with strength and dignity. 

[00:18:11] I am bold. And courageous. 

[00:18:15] I trust in the Lord and I am leaning on the Lord’s understanding. 

[00:18:22] I am confident God will supply my every need for my business. According to his riches in glory in Christ jesus. That's definitely a repeater and those are great affirmations to write down in your journal as well. 

[00:18:38] I pray that today's episode blesses you and supports you on your entrepreneurial journey. 

[00:18:43] I want you to know that you are not alone. You are not called to build your business alone. You are called to build your business in community. If you are wondering what next steps are and how you can be part of an exciting growing community, I invite you to join [00:19:00] our community. Head on over to www.CoachJenRogers.com/community

[00:19:05] You guessed it!. Forward slash community and join us inside the app where we are off the socials. And we say no to the noise. And we say yes to having a one-on-one conversation with each other inside a small cohort of women committed to building their businesses God's way. Hey there! I'm your host, Jen Rogers. 

[00:19:26] And it has been my absolute delight sharing with you, this sweet nuzzling scent of all of my grandchildren, as well as you traveling on my road home. I am grateful for you. Thank you so much for investing in your business and investing time with me to help you grow your business. 

[00:19:45] If you're looking for more support and you're just not sure we're a good fit yet. It's okay. I can take it. We might not be a good fit. There's one way to find out that is easy, easy peasy. Join me for one of the Fridays [00:20:00] in September to jump in with Jen. And overcome one of your hurdles. 

[00:20:05] You don't need to stay stuck. Don't stay stuck. Head on over www.CoachJenRogers.com/JumpInWithJen And join me on any remaining Friday in September for one low price, 47 smackers you can do at 12:33 PM. Eastern, every single Friday in September. 

[00:20:25] I pray God blesses your mind And that you do things in his power as you build your business. All right, God bless you. And I will catch you in the next episode.

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