Time To Simplify | How Startup Christian Entrepreneurs Manage Time + Leverage Podcast Visibility in 90-Day Sprints

Feeling Hopeless + Discouraged? Here's What To Do Instead |#225

Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker Episode 225

Starting a business or a podcast is not easy.  You'll need stamina, guts, your intuition, and...a way to simpllify things.

The truth is...you do not need ALL. THE. THINGS.  You just need a few things to build momentum.

Discouragement and hopelessness are common enemies (along with all those shiny objects that threaten solopreneurs). Yet, the odds are not insurmountable.  We all need to know the way out!  Want to learn the 3 easy steps to take to kick hopelessness and discouragement to the curb? Let's get to it in this episode of Time To Simplify. 

I called in backup from my hunka-hunka to help me out.  Don't miss this episode!
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Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6

Time To Simplify
Jen Rogers | Creator of the 90-Day Sprint | Certified Coach | Keynote Speaker

I help startup Christian women entrepreneurs leverage resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places + play they treasure most.

#225 Time To Simplify

[00:00:00] Jen: You ever noticed how we know what we like by saying all those things that we don't like. He many people in my network are in network marketing. And I am part of a mentorship program that is all about network marketing, except I do not consider myself a network marketer. 

[00:00:21] Jen: I joined this program because I wanted to elevate my speaking skills 

[00:00:25] Jen: it is really powerful training. So I am surrounded by many network marketers, which I find hysterical because I didn't really even understand that Tupperware for example, was network marketing or that Mary Kay was network marketing. But that's exactly what it is.Before we dive into what we're going to walk away with from today's episode.

[00:00:48] Jen: How to combat hopelessness and discouragement in your business. I want to share this story with you. And it ties into network marketing 

[00:00:57] Jen:  because it's written by founder of [00:01:00] Kingdom Alliance, Michelle Schaffer, and she is all about network marketing. 

[00:01:05] Jen: So this is tucked inside her book, The Residual Life. It's a story she shares that she read years ago. It stuck with her. And I know it's going to stick with you. 

[00:01:16] Jen:  Hey there. I'm Jen Rogers host of Time To Simplify the podcast for startup Christian women entrepreneurs. In today's episode, I enlisted the help of my husband Bill. So he could play the voices in this story Written by Don Mondell a Christian health and wellness coach. 

[00:01:33] Jen: All right. Let's get started. Ear antenna, up!

[00:01:37] Jen: The devil laid out his gleaming razor edged tools upon a worn in ancient wooden table. One day. He announced a fire sale and carefully marked the price upon each tool. Anger $100. Resentment $400. Hatred $600, et [00:02:00] cetera. Each tool sold out almost as quickly as it was placed upon the table. Toward the end of the day, a crooked older man in tattered rags approached.

[00:02:11] Jen: The man eyed the tools that remained, but was taken by a certain tool at the end of the table. 

[00:02:18] Jen: The tool resembled the two long and bowed fangs of a Viper. 

[00:02:24] Jen: Its chrome-like pointy tusks caught the sun and sent flashes of blinding light everywhere. With one hand, the older man blocked his eyes from the glare and with the other, he reached for the tool. As he grabbed hold the tools, steely needle tips, nearly pierced his hand. This seemed to please the older man. He snatched up the tool and held it to his chest. 

[00:02:49] Jen: With a glint in his eye, the man asked the devil. 

[00:02:52] Old Man: How much for this one?

[00:02:54] Devil: I'm sorry. That tool isn't for sale.

[00:02:58] Old Man: The devil [00:03:00] replied. But I'll pay double!

[00:03:02] Jen: The devil narrowed his eyes and hissed.

[00:03:04] Jen: Sir. I told you. That tool is not for sale. Nor will I ever sell it. It is the most useful tool that I own. And without it, I wouldn't be half as effective in my work. With that tool alone. I can accomplish my every task. Now good day, sir. Dejected, the man looked once more at the shiny tool, then slowly placed it on the table. With almost a whisper. He said to the devil.

[00:03:38] Old Man: If I can't buy it. Would you at least tell me its name.


[00:03:44] Jen: A slow and wicked grin grew across the devil's face. 

[00:03:49] Jen: Of course, old man. ItsIt's name is discouragement. Perplexed the old man wondered out loud. 

[00:03:59] Old Man: Why is this tool so important to you?

[00:04:04] Jen: The devil responded.

[00:04:05] Devil: It's more useful to me than any of the others. When I can't bring down my victims with the rest of my tools. I use discouragement because few people realize it belongs to me. Nothing paralyzes a person and nothing stops someone in their trucks like discouragement and hopelessness. 

Discouragement and hopelessness, are no respecters of persons. They keep the unemployed, unemployed. The homeless, homeless. And the sick, sick. They can even draw the most powerful ministry to its knees. When overcome with discouragement and hopelessness, the person can't pray. Can't worship and becomes a victim of their environment. Discouragement and hopelessness drain their victims of courage, vision, faith [00:05:00] expectation, and the will to make a difference in the kingdom of God. If I can get you discouraged and hopeless than I have successfully neutralized you, you are left with only enough energy to feel sorry for yourself.

[00:05:17] Jen: Are you in enemy territory right now? 

[00:05:21] Jen:  Do you find yourself feeling discouraged and hopeless? Are you right where the enemy wants you? 

[00:05:29] Jen:  here's something that I know for sure. As a certified life coach, I know all about those feelings telling big tales and little ones too, that all too often derail even my most dedicated clients. Can you relate? In today's episode, join me in operation restoration. Restoration of hope that is. Listen, it's totally normal to find yourself in a rough patch, especially if you've just pulled the trigger on becoming an entrepreneur. [00:06:00] Congratulations by the way. 

[00:06:01] Jen: Welcome, welcome, welcome. Like all things that have powerful and profitable payoffs sacrifice is required. When we understand, not by words, but by experience that the lows are essentially a requirement to fully appreciate the highs, we're more likely to recognize that hopelessness as a sign that the enemy has invaded our territory. On Time To Simplify, we work to reclaim lost territory through the power of discernment. Hey there it's Jen. 

[00:06:33] Jen: I helped start up Christian women entrepreneurs leverage resources so they can stop running around with their hair on fire and have time for the people, places and play they treasure most. I've seen too many entrepreneurs max out all their credit cards, chasing the latest, shiny object that over promises and under delivers. My mission is to mentor you as you build and grow your business. 

[00:06:58] Jen: God's way. You don't need to mortgage, your assets to run a business well, but you do need to stop buying all those courses, that let's be honest, you and I both know, they're just going to sit in your email box, collecting dust. Listen, I've done it too. I've got a few in there that I have no idea when I bought them and I have no idea what they do and I'll never open them again. 

[00:07:22] Jen: And now that I'm on the other side of those poor, investments, that shall not be named.

[00:07:28] Jen: I'm determined to save you the heartache and the walletache as you grow your business. 

[00:07:33] Jen: You know, the best way to reduce those aches? It's to get clarity through the power of leverage. Listen, if you're considering leveraging podcasting to grow your business, whether it's on either side of the microphone. I've got just the thing for you. You can learn whether or not podcasting is your next right step. But there's a catch. Only if you are willing to invest a solid hour of time to leverage my [00:08:00] podcasting wisdom. 

[00:08:00] Jen: Do you want to know how? Cool!. Hey head on over to CoachJenRogers.com there's no D in my name, CoachJenRogersR O G E R s.com and click on the button in the upper right to take the free training to discern whether hosting a show is right for you. And the cool thing about this training. It is high value yet free for you. And what you learn in one hour will help you. 

[00:08:26] Jen: Whether you start a show, guest on a show or fine tune your marketing message for your ideal clients.

[00:08:33] Jen: Well, wait a minute. What's that? I'm sensing a little skepticism. Can this even help me, Jen? And the answer is yes. However, I know the most powerful yeses come from clients who have gone through the training. let me share this testimonial from Lenee, with you.


[00:08:50] Jen:  Lenee. Let's say somebody says, after going through this free training, I realized I'm not interested in creating my own podcast. So let's say [00:09:00] they're there, they've gone through the whole thing and they've done the market research.

What can they learn, even if they don't go forward in hosting their own show?

[00:09:09] Jen: I think, because I'm still a little bit wrestling with do I eventually do podcasting or not, but, oh, my gosh, I've taken away how to begin to build my brand and how to define my next steps and, There's no doubt there's something in me that has to come out of me. God, I know this and, and, and it can, it can manifest in stories, in speaking, in blogging, social media, it could potentially manifest 10 different ways.

[00:09:42] Lenee: So even if podcasting isn't the primary, it is building a framework for me to operate in and apply no matter what road I go down. 

[00:09:53] Jen:  Listen to Lenee and say yes to this free power packed training. My commitment to [00:10:00] you is to create resources that are jam packed with value. And when you say yes, I want your yes. 

[00:10:07] Jen: To be all in your yes is a full yes.

[00:10:11] Jen: say yes to this powerful jam packed free training head on over to CoachJenRogers.com. 

[00:10:18] Jen: Click that button in the upper right to take the free training

[00:10:21] Jen: Are you ready to rumble in operation restoration?Let's do it in today's episode. Number 225 of Time To Simplify. I'll tell you exactly how you can avoid getting sucked in by those shiny objects on Satan's table and kick hopelessness and discouragement to the curb.

[00:10:41] Jen: All right. All right. It's not that you don't know the answer in how to kick hopelessness and discouragement to the curb. 

[00:10:48] Jen: In fact, I am 100% confident that you have strategies in place when you experience hopelessness and discouragement. The thing that happens [00:11:00] is we sometimes forget what those strategies are. So I'm going to give you three things to keep in mind to ensure that you do not use Satan's weapons, because remember no weapon formed against you. 

[00:11:16] Jen: No evil can prosper against you because you are in God's kingdom. Because you are a believer in Jesus Christ. And you know that the Lord's promises. These are true. You know, his word is true and this is why we meditate on his word because we need the reminders. We need to know who God is. And we also learn then who we are as his sons and daughters, when we read his word. 

[00:11:44] Jen: All right. The top three things that prevent you from picking up those weapons. Number one. You need a game plan. You absolutely need a game plan. this is where most entrepreneurs fail when they start out, they have [00:12:00] this burning idea inside of them. Oh, I want to help because I've learned this powerful lesson I want to share with others, so they don't have to experience what I've experienced. 

[00:12:10] Jen: Hey, that is exactly why you are listening to Time To Simplify, to save yourself some pain from those common mistakes startup entrepreneurs make. This is the power of leveraging other people's life lessons. You need a game plan. While, what you've learned is incredibly powerful and yes, absolutely designed to serve and help other people overcome hurdles faster. You must have a game plan for how you want to share your message. 

[00:12:42] Jen: All right. Let's simplify what I mean by having a game plan. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to get clarity. As a certified professional life coach. 

[00:12:52] Jen: I am always curious and ask powerful questions for you to consider, because my idea [00:13:00] of a game plan may not be your idea of a game plan. It needs to be a game plan. That's suited to you wherever you are in your life journey. So you, if you are a mama of littles, your game plan is going to look very different than someone who's in my situation where all the littles are gone. 

[00:13:17] Jen: And I have the grands from time to time, which is amazing by the way. Absolutely amazing. So wherever you are on your journey, You might be in a situation where you are looking at your job, you're working the nine to five type of employment. And you know, you want to transition out of that and you want to create enough income so you can leave the nine to five and be your own boss. 

[00:13:42] Jen: your current circumstances in life are going to help you develop what your game plan is. All right. Are you ready? Hey, if you are driving or swiffering or I don't know, changing the baby's diaper, 

[00:13:54] Jen: it's all cool. After I ask the question, press the pause button and say out [00:14:00] loud. your answer. You can always come back. 

[00:14:02] Jen: In fact, I encourage you to come back to this episode and listen to these questions again,

[00:14:06] Jen: All right. Question number one.

[00:14:08] Jen: What does being an entrepreneur mean to you? Define entrepreneur on your own terms. 

[00:14:17] Jen: Question number two. As an entrepreneur, how do you want to serve? Be specific about what you do. How you help? And who you help now, if you've done this exercise already, I can feel the eyeballs rolling. I will tell you that it is an on going responsibility for us to ensure that we are in tune with the people that we serve. 

[00:14:39] Jen: So even if you've done this already revisit this. What do you do? How do you help? And who do you help? Thinking about your ideal client's outcome. After they work with you, what do they walk away with? 

[00:14:54] Jen: Cautionary note, if you say I am an entrepreneur, but I don't really want to make [00:15:00] money, Jen, I just want to serve. Let's revisit that definition of entrepreneur! An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business. And they take on greater than normal financial risk. Entrepreneurs start businesses to earn an income. 

[00:15:15] Jen: So if you say I am an entrepreneur, you are in business to earn an income, to earn a profit, which means you're going to earn more than what you're expending, because we do not want to go into debt in order to start our businesses. If you're struggling with a mindset of earning an income for the work that you do, let me remind you that God has already prepared the work for you to do in advance. He calls you to it. Do you think Paul made tents for free? Nope. He sure didn't.do you think Lydia, the entrepreneur the woman from Thyatira, you know, she dealt in purple cloth? She was a worshiper of God. Do you think she expected no compensation for her wares? Of course [00:16:00] not. Of course she expected compensation. So you must know for sure that God has called you to becoming an entrepreneur. 

[00:16:07] Jen: It's okay that you don't know the how, but it's not okay to be lukewarm in your decision to start a business. Capiche? Capiche!

[00:16:17] Jen:  Question number three. This is all about your timeline. How long do you foresee being an entrepreneur? So you could start by writing. I foresee being an entrepreneur. And fill in the blank. Or, you could say, I commit to this entrepreneurial journey for and fill in the blank. 

[00:16:38] Jen: Question number four. What are your financial goals for your business? In three months you expect to earn and expend. What amounts of money? In six months. You expect to earn this amount of income and you expect to expend this amount and in 12 months, In two [00:17:00] years in five years, you can take that out as far as you want to take it out. 

[00:17:04] Jen: It's very important that you start with your financial goals because you need targets. You need to track your income and you need to track your expenses. These four questions are the tip of the iceberg. And if you are brand spanking new, I highly recommend you get clarity on these four questions before you go looking for a coach. I also recommend that you find a startup business coach. That you save yourself a bunch of hurdles. 

[00:17:34] Jen: Remember, the devil wants you to encounter tons and tons of hurdles. The devil wants you discouraged and hopeless. When you have a game plan, you shoosh that away. When you have clarity, there's so much more you can get done when, you know, for sure I am in it to win it. I am committing to being an entrepreneur. That is when you shoosh away that [00:18:00] hopelessness and that discouragement, because you are clear and you are committed.

[00:18:04] Jen: Pray over this decision, pray over your investment, determine how much money you have to invest in your entrepreneurial dream. Listen, these four questions, essential starting points as a startup entrepreneur, ensure you've dedicated time that you're fully answering these questions that you're really thinking about this. And if you want tons more clarity on how to move forward, then check out that leveraging tool that Linee and I shared earlier in this episode, you'll find the free training@coachjenrogers.com and yup. 

[00:18:36] Jen: Yup. I will have that link in the show notes.

[00:18:39] Jen: not only will I have that link I will have another link in the show notes for you too. Let me share with you what it is. 

[00:18:44] Jen: You're here because you value the power of podcasting. 

[00:18:48] Jen: If you want to get on the other side of the mic and host your own show, you can do it in 90 days. That's right. Yes. You can

[00:18:56] Jen:  here on Time To Simplify. We simplify [00:19:00] launching your podcast. Find out all the details for the sprint that starts September 3rd. Head on over to coachjenrogers.com/podcastcoach.

[00:19:11] Jen: All right, let's move to number two. I promised you three ways to prevent discouragement and hopelessness from stealing your dream. So the second way I've alluded to, as I shared with you, the importance of having a game plan for your business, and it is prayer. All of the work that you do must be covered in prayer. Prayer is where we learn where God is at work. 

[00:19:36] Jen: Prayer is where we take all of our questions, where we lay our fears at the foot of the cross and ask the Lord to reveal to us what our next steps are. Praying for the success of your business is a powerful way for you to experience success in your business. So number one, have a game plan. Number two pray. 

[00:19:59] Jen: [00:20:00] The third way to avoid dining at the devil's table is again, something that, you know, for sure that you need to do. You need to have an accountability partner. You need a buddy to help you when times are really tough in the trenches. 

[00:20:15] Jen: We hear it all the time and we hear it all the time because it is critical to your success. 

[00:20:21] Jen: I know solopreneur means you're flying solo. However, there are plenty of ways you can join someone else in the work that you are doing by joining a community of like-minded women who want to support you on your journey. they understand the challenges you are facing as an entrepreneur. I invite you to come into the Time To Simplify community. 

[00:20:45] Jen: I would love to have you. 

[00:20:47] Jen: So funny story, we're not on Facebook because simplifying things means staying away from those things that distract us. And can I be frank? Who needs another "Tell It All Tuesday" post or a "Wednesday Win" post or, well, I don't even know if I've seen this post, but there definitely could be the "Friday Freakout" post!

[00:21:09] Jen: As entrepreneurs, we freak out and not just on Fridays! Listen, scrolling on a social platform. That's a tool of Satan. So where's the community? Easy peasy. You'll find the community on Voxer. Yes. Voxer. Your first step is to head on over to CoachJenRogers.com/Community. 

[00:21:30] Jen: So you can request access. My approach to community on Voxer is the way for us to get to know one another with time intentionally set aside to nurture connections.

[00:21:42] Jen: My hope is you'll find your battle buddy in our group and create a private connection

[00:21:46] Jen: Where you can encourage each other, you know, find that accountability buddy that I talked about in this episode, while also sharing the power of our simplified community to other startup women entrepreneurs. So find the community at [00:22:00] CoachJenRogers.com/Community. 

Psssssttt...Are you still here. Are you a stepmama looking for The Empowered Stepmom? Hiya doll! That's me. And that's you, too. Episodes number one through 224 are filled with content to empower you on your journey. If you were a stepmama entrepreneur, stick with me kid, this is an adventure of a lifetime!

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