Time To Simplify | How Startup Christian Entrepreneurs Manage Time + Leverage Podcast Visibility in 90-Day Sprints

It's Time To Simplify! Will You Go With Me? | What's Next For The Empowered Stepmom | #224

Episode 224

It's Time To Simplify!

When we travel to new places, whether with family loaded in the SUVs, for business opportunities, or to a new home, we can feel a bit out of sorts. Uncertain.  Wondering how things are all going to come together.  We’re nervited about the adventures – you know – a little bit nervous and a little bit excited all at the same time.

In this episode, you'll learn more about where The Empowered Stepmom Podcast is headed...what happens when a podcast goes radio-silent, and how you can stay connected with Jen.

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Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6

Jen Rogers :

Are you a collector of something? When I was a kid, my family traveled all over the United States, particularly west of the Mississippi, and we spelled Mississippi. We played that silly game, M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i and we'd say how do you spell it? And instead of saying M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I we would say I-T. That was one of the many redundant road games that we played. Oh, those roads with too many kids trapped in a station wagon. When's the last time you've seen a station wagon on the road? Come to think of it, I can't think of the last time I've seen one. Lots of SUVs and vans, but I think station wagons may be dead. Hey, have you ever found something you didn't know you were missing?

Jen Rogers :

In the last episode I shared with you that, the release day of this episode, I would be living in a new house and let me tell you, I am currently surrounded by all kinds of boxes here and as I open up the boxes, some things were packed. Oh well, I guess it was last November so six, seven months ago that we were packing, and it seems like a long time ago. And yet not that long ago. Listen, I have discovered muscles. I forgot that I had from the last time that we moved. Moving is a ton of work. The highlight of moving for me is when I open up a box and I forget that I had that special something. One of the things I unpacked yesterday was this box of trunks, and I collected trunks.

Jen Rogers :

Now, I'm not a big collector of a bunch of things. Although you might not know that by some of the things that will be unpacked and put out in my house, my mom was a huge collector of things. How about you? Have you collected anything? When we traveled all over the United States, my mom would always get a spoon. Some people get coffee mugs or hot pads or coasters. My mom collected spoons, and also teacups and saucers. As I recall, she had a passion for collecting things for her home. Her home was incredibly beautiful and the things she liked to collect in her home were these castles, these David Winter castles. I currently have about 150 of them boxed up in my new garage. I will set them out eventually. I'm just not sure how long it's going to take me to figure out where I want to place everything. Right now, the most important thing that I placed was getting my equipment set up so I could record today's episode for you, because I wanted to share something about what's going on with the Empowered Stepmom. And we are going to get to that in one hot second.

Jen Rogers :

When we travel to new places, whether with family loaded in the SUVs, the vans, whatever our vehicle of choice is, whether we're traveling for business opportunities or to a new home, we can feel a bit out of sorts, uncertain, wondering how things are all going to come together. We're nervited about the adventures, you know, a little bit nervous and a little bit excited all at the same time. Last week a woman reached out to me to share how challenging her new marriage has become. The stereotypical high-conflict ex-wife feels like a threat. The kids are rude and dismissive towards her, which leaves her questioning her relationship with her husband. She wonders if this move was a mistake. She's in a new home, his home, and it feels like, well, like she's trapped in the rear of a station wagon headed south. The thing is, when we feel trapped, our brain is in that classive protective mode. Is when we feel trapped, our brain is in that classive protective mode, our brains like predictable. We definitely like to have a sense of control. Even though we may like the thrill of new experiences and imagine all the possibilities of what could be. We must continually fight against staying comfortable where we are because, well, that's part of our sanctification journey, our transformation experience. We are definitely going to feel like we're out of control, and we are because, well, that's part of our sanctification journey, our transformation experience. We are definitely going to feel like we're out of control and we are definitely going to feel uncomfortable. On this episode, I'll share a bit of nervitedness of my own as I head into new territory, but I don't want to go it alone. I want us to go together. I hope you say yes to coming along this adventure.

Jen Rogers :

For the last 223 episodes that we've been together, the podcast has transformed from the inaugural episodes of Blended on the Bluff Although I cringe when I think of some of my earliest episodes I know those were the seeds to the fruit of the empowered stepmom. After Blended on the Bluff, there was a stint of time where Bill and I co-hosted and renamed to Step Family Mission Possible, where we ministered to blended family couples. If you're looking for words to express the challenges you face, you want to know that you're not alone and you desperately need insights on what to expect on the roller coaster of blended families and how you can overcome common step family pitfalls. Episodes 78 through 91 are specifically for you that will take you along 12 missions. Those episodes are powerful for you to listen to and work through as a couple together. They'll definitely help you on your journey and help you understand some of those challenges and help you understand the complexity of what it is that God has called you to do together as a couple. Starting with episode 97, I went back to my stepmama roots, renaming the podcast to Bold and Blended Stepmoms. Last October, I hired a branding and marketing coach and the show became the Empowered Stepmom.

Jen Rogers :

I've loved the empowering element of the show. The biggest thing I learned in my podcasting journey and building a community is being a stepmom is actually not about taking back control. That's what I was trying to do when I first started out and I was failing miserably. Instead of working to regain control instead of seeking ways to take back control, gain control instead of seeking ways to take back control. We must accept that we've lost a lot of control. However, there is something that we have gained and that's what the Empowered Stepmom is all about. It's about reclaiming your power and your joy. Despite the challenges that we experience as stepmoms, we can use our influence in our homes to foster the family environment that we crave. It really does start with us. God designed us that way as a woman. That's one of the gifts that we have. So here we are, on the precipice of change as I explore new horizons, and I am definitely nervited.

Jen Rogers :

The ambition of the Empowered Stepmom Podcast has always been to minister to a woman's heart along her stepmom journey. I know exactly what it's like to feel like an imposter in my own home. It's a confidence stealer, and that's why I'm here to help you conquer imposter syndrome for good, so you can stop wrestling with things out of your control and start investing your time, your money and your energy, your power, your money and your energy, your power into your dreams. Hey there, I'm Jen Rogers, keynote speaker, entrepreneur and your hostess with the mostest. My mission is to come alongside you like we're good friends, savoring a delicious beverage in a bustling coffee shop where the desserts are delightful and we encourage each other with the truths of the gospel, share dreams and aspirations and explore new territory together. As a certified professional life coach, I've honed skills to help you move through nervousness with expectation at what God will do If you're looking to get unstuck and are willing to practice a new way of doing things. Professional coaching may be right for you To find out for sure. Take the empowerment quiz to explore how working with me can have you experiencing the confidence that comes from knowing you're on the right track. I'll be your accountability partner and I am fully invested in your success as a woman after God's own heart. Head on over to stepfamilypodcastcom. Forward slash work with Jen to get started. All right, sweet woman, let's move forward with what's next for the Empowered Stepmom Podcast. For the Empowered Stepmom Podcast. So what is next?

Jen Rogers :

A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed a new friend, anna, host of she Considers a Field podcast. There's much to love about Anna and her show. She's so encouraging as I shared what God's laid on my heart for some time now. Anna listened well, she asked powerful questions and shared astute advice. I am so grateful. I am blessed with many powerful, entrepreneurial and creative women in my circle. I pray you are too. After our conversation, anna sent me a message where she shared a post that related to my decision point and I'd like to share it with you. Where she shared a post that related to my decision point and I'd like to share it with you.

Jen Rogers :

When you are in a lay low build and birth season, there will be many distractions and situations that come with a sense of alarm and urgency, slander that wants your reaction and sudden expectations that demand your time. Instead of falling for that trick again, discern, block, stay focused and co-labor with God to see what he gave you come full term. That's where I am. I'm in a lay low, build and birth season. As an entrepreneur, I've wrestled with my desire to go all in on my passion of time management, habit stacking and planning as a keynote speaker, as a creator, as a stepmom. All these things start with vision and a plan. As I reviewed the last 223 episodes, there are common themes yes, navigating anxiety, but there's a lot of creating a plan, a vision for who you want to become, encouraging women in the heart of the hurt habits and the power of habit stacking. Friend, this is where my heart is. I plan to move forward serving budding entrepreneurial women. I'll lead Christian women in planning to create the future they crave through the power of time management and habit stacking. The overarching plan is clear. In fact, I even have a Christian women entrepreneur planner in development. I know I'll do that and I'll also pursue more keynote and workshop training opportunities. If you are in a business or you are a solopreneur who needs the power of time management, reach out to me at friends at stepfamilypodcastcom and let's connect and learn how my skills can up-level your business.

Jen Rogers :

Of course, the obvious question comes to mind You're listening to the Empowered Stepmom podcast, so what happens next? I've wrestled, I've changed my mind several times. I felt guilt, I felt I don't know so many different emotions about this body of work. Here's the thing I know that I'm gifted in the area of podcasting and I'm so grateful for it. I've been blessed with the opportunity to coach many women in bringing their dream podcast to life and it's been a huge blast Preparing episodes for you, friend. That's been a blessing to me. I love showing up and being with you.

Jen Rogers :

Here's what I know right now it's time to simplify, to simplify my dreams into key themes. Thank you for being a part of that. I know being a stepmom is complex. I also know it reveals things stored deeply within our hearts that don't serve us well, and God has called us to unearth them and deal with them. So how does all of this go together?

Jen Rogers :

That takes me back to what Anna shared. I'm in a lay low, build and birth season right now and I do need your help. Hey, if you are a woman entrepreneur and want to come along with me, let's connect to get to know one another and talk market research for managing your time as a business owner. Head on over to bitly forward. Slash nervited N-E-R-V-I-T-E-D that's bitly forward. Slash nervited to book a coffee clutch chat with me. Of course, that link will be down below as well. No matter your role, you and I, we are women of influence and this podcast will go on. It will change to align with the role that God is moving me towards, but there will always be a soft spot for you as a stepmom here. I'm planning an event inside our Facebook community later this summer, so be sure to join us inside of there so you can be a part of the family inside our Facebook home and have the insider scoop of what's happening next.

Jen Rogers :

Hey, I covet your prayers as I simplify and lay low, build and birth. You are a treasure for sure. Thank you for supporting me and for supporting this podcast. I'll go radio silent for just a bit, but I will be back soon when it's time to simplify. Same bat channel. No need to modify anything in your podcast app In the meantime. I invite you to keep me in your earbuds each day between now and when I return, by starting the 30-day prayer challenge for your family.

Jen Rogers :

Scroll down to find the link in the show notes to begin with day one. It is life-changing, even if you've done the challenge before. Prayer is always the answer to up-leveling what comes next for you. I know that to be true. It's been true in my own life. God is so gracious to hear our prayers, and there have been many times where I've wanted an answer and I haven't heard the answer. I have not discerned the answer and so I've waited, and I know waiting is hard. Waiting is painful because we get impatient, and yet God is unchanging. God is good all the time. Isn't that the best news? That's absolutely the best news. We serve a mighty, powerful God.

Jen Rogers :

All right, I've given you several invitations, whether you're joining the 30-Day Prayer Challenge, or you're sending me an email at friends at stepfamilypodcastcom to let me know that you want to go on the journey with me, or you want to sit down for a coffee chat head on over to bitly forward, slash nervevited, so we can talk about how we can simplify this entrepreneurial journey together Because, sweet woman, it is time to simplify. Okay, before I go radio silent for a little while, as in I'm not sure when I'm coming back, because, well, because I don't know yet I am working through some things and I am planning things so that I can be ready for what comes next. Again, that lay low birthing season. I'm taking that quite literally. As we get ready to sign off together. For just a little bit, let me pray over you, heavenly Father. Thank you so much for this time together. I pray for your insight, I pray for your wisdom and discernment as we navigate what comes next for us.

Jen Rogers :

There are many challenges that we face in our homes. There are uncertainties, there are relationships where we struggle in connecting, there's confusion. As we navigate our new roles, we're unsure, and when we're unsure and lack confidence, we tend to withhold our full being. Father, god, I pray your Holy Spirit would infuse us with your confidence. A lot of times we hear the God confidence. Lord, we need you, we don't need us. We need you inside of us, working through us, so that we can fully do the work that you have already prepared in advance for us to do, father. I pray that we keep you front and center. I pray we meet you each day in your word, lord God.

Jen Rogers :

I pray that when we offend, that we seek forgiveness, that we first seek it from you and then we seek forgiveness from the person that we have hurt. Lord God, there's a lot of hurt in blended families. There's a lot of unforgiveness, there's a lot of confrontation in between ex-people in former families and that creates unique challenges. That creates some loyalty confusion, I suppose with the kids they want to honor both of their parents, but they don't know how. And step-parents, we get caught in the middle of that because we are the physical manifestation of a former relationship that went way wrong and that isn't going to get back together again.

Jen Rogers :

God, we know that your mercies are new every morning and I pray we cling to that truth. I pray, we cling to you. I pray that we come before you each and every day, that we lay our burdens at the foot of the cross, because we know that your yoke is easy and your burden is light, father God. So we pray for the wisdom and the strength and the perseverance to keep moving forward. The theme that Bill and I have this year is joy, peace and contentment, and that's what I pray right now for you Joy, peace and contentment. Even if every single thing is going wrong right now, even if all the tires on the car have gone flat, I pray for your joy, peace and contentment. I pray that you remember that you are a woman of influence and that God has gifted you with power from on high, that he calls you to be a woman after his own heart. I pray that you are, I pray that you seek him every day and I pray to reconnect with you real soon. God bless you, take care.

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